Want your voicemail to sound like a real corporation and not an answering machine? We’ll set you up with a customized greeting, using our own trained and professional voices. These greetings can also be set up to change according to the time of day automatically. The possibilities are endless!
In Touch Solutions will take all your calls when your office lines are busy or not answered after a specified number of rings. Your callers will never get a busy signal. Many of our clients use this busy/no answer voicemail instead of adding additional phone lines. You can immediately be notified of messages via text, email or mobile phone, ensuring that your callers get a return call very quickly.
Your Own Local Phone Number
Every one of our voicemail boxes can be configured with its own local 7-digit telephone number. That allows you to give everyone on your team a private personal number,without the expense of extra telephone lines from the phone company. We can integrate these private numbers into your office system so that you can transfer callers directly into these mailboxes. If you manage a large (or small) team, you can enjoy the feature of group message broadcasting. Just ask us how.